April 3rd Club Meeting: Mike Knopp, Riversport OKC
Mike Knopp is Executive Director of Riversport OKC. Mike left his legal career in 2003 to establish the Oklahoma City University varsity rowing program and assume the position of executive director of the Oklahoma City Boathouse Foundation. He has led many efforts for the development and expansion of the Boathouse District, including the original Chesapeake Boathouse which opened in January 2006.
Originally from Minnesota, Mike discovered rowing as a high school student in Annapolis, Maryland, watching the crew from the U.S. Naval Academy. He began pursuing his passion as an undergraduate at Oklahoma State University where he met his wife, Tempe, a fellow rower, and helped re-establish OSU’s club rowing program.
In just over a decade, Mike has led Oklahoma City to the forefront of the national and international rowing and kayaking communities while also developing significant community interest and participation in the sports. He has been recognized with numerous awards and recognitions.